Nati Con La Camicia – Film 1983 – Rosco Fraker (Terence Hill) vagabondando sui pattini a rotelle, incontra Doug O’Riordan, un ex-detenuto appena scarcerato. Si conoscono in un bar durante una rissa scoppiata perché uno dei coinvolti nella rissa aveva offeso Doug (Bud Spencer) dicendogli “Bidone di monnezza”. Egli infatti, volendosi vendicare di un camionista che gli aveva negato un passaggio quasi investendolo ed essendo impotente dinnanzi alla sua banda, cerca, con l’inganno, l’aiuto di Doug.

Curiosità per soli pattinatori…

Le ruote nel video sono le mitiche Kryptos cr62, prima versione (1982) con hub bianco. Le scarpe dei pattini sono delle NIKE e sono fissate alle piastre, però quando Terence Hill si ferma nel piazzale sgancia i pattini come se avessero uno sgancio rapido ma così non è… è solo una finzione scenica.


Lyrics: “In The Middle Of All That Trouble again”
of “Franco Micalizzi & A.D.Meakin”

Round, round running around
Round, round running around.
Hidden down the long long road upon my roller skates.
Hidden where the sun don’t stop to shine.
You can call me “Rosco” cause another name I hate.
In the middle of all that trouble again.
I only stop and smile at all the pretty ladies.
And they all lucky stop and smile right back at me.
But you can bet your bottom dollar.
I will end up in a mess.
Fighting with someone who bothered me.

Round, round running around.
Round, round running around.
Round, round running around.
Round, round running around.

Sitting in a Burger Bar just keep in to myself.
eating quarter pounders is my game.
You can call me “Doug” but don’t annoy me
In the middle of all that trouble again.
When just about to eat my nineteenth quarter pounder.
This crazy guy on roller skates kept dark of us.
He’s starting fooling with his voice. We all end up in a mess.
Fighting with someone who bothered us.

Round, round running around.
Round, round running around.
Round, round running around.
Round, round running around.

Headin down the long long road beneath the boring rain.
Hoping that the sun comes out to shine.
Just look up for “Doug” and “Rosco” driving you insane.
In the middle of all that trouble again.
We only stop and smile at all the pretty ladies.
and they all like to stop and smile right back at me.
But you can’t bitch……………..
We will end up in a mess.
Fighting with someone who bothered us.

Round, round running around.
Round, round running around.
Round, round running around.
Round, round running around

Giovanni Simiani

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Terence Hill Round, round running around